Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Fightin' words

Edward A. Rossit, on why skiers can wear plastic lenses.

Skiers can get away with their plastic lenses where mountaineers can't for two reasons. Firstly, as high as they think they are, skiers are seldom found at the considerably higher altitudes where mountaineers range. At the lower altitudes, where skiing takes place, eye protection with goggles is not nearly as important as it becomes futher up, in thinner, rarer air.
- Edward A. Rossit, "Northwest Mountaineering", 1965.

Stay tuned for more choice quotes from Mr. Rossit in the coming weeks.


SkiSickness said...

But it may have been quite true back then. Also, skiers lack the good sense to protect themselves. I can't wait for another bout of high avalanche danger!

Lefty said...

Yes, no disparagement meant to Mr Rossit... sign'o'the times - speaking of which, wait till you see some other quotes from his book!