Tuesday, May 1, 2007


Vinnie made a post about it on his extremely prolific blog. Check out the ugli. The Ugli site says they're 4-6 inches in diameter, but mine was bigger.

Also I would like to say that Amar didn't even ski above the lodge. He took runs on the groomers. Amar, skier of anything in all conditions no matter how steep, didn't want to deal with the hard crusty chutes on the Throne. I'd say that might be reason for ouster from the big leagues. I vote we replace him with Dave, who seemed perfectly willing to throw his body down the gnar using bizarre knee contortions that made Vince wince.


SkiSickness said...

That's not really fair, you know. Amar is afraid of the climb. If you put him atop Liberty Ridge, regardless of conditions, he would shred that shit. Yup.

Jennifer said...

if you say so.