Sunday, June 3, 2007

Satisfying the groupies.

Jason wrote a TR accessed with a ludicrously long URL.

My helmet cam footage has a much better URL.

Now it is time for another nugget of wisdom from Edward A Rossit:
The mountaineer is not happy because of any material wealth he may have. Indeed, he deliberately leaves material comforts and luxuries behind him when he climbs. He does not worship sucess, because success always lies in the eyes and approval of others. The mountaineer is happy and at peace because he approves of himself. He is self-sufficient. He sets his own goal, and then he achieves it. Is there a greater contentment than that which comes from achievement?


SkiSickness said...

Yes, there is a greater contentment:
Achievement, plus hookers and blow - Yeehaw!

Lefty said...

Mr Rossit gets to that in other parts of his book.

SkiSickness said...

That's not really fair to compare URLs like that either. Your php-referencing action there might make somebody's head explode.