Monday, April 2, 2007

Skiing in the Cascades

March 24

I don't recall much from this day. It was snowing wet and heavy. 30cm overnight, another 20cm during the day, snow level possibly rising to 2000m, "but it's a little colder up here" (lodge is at 1600m). Not many pictures were taken, so here is one of Bill on a later day, planning what to do with his death cookie.

We skied a lot of sticky snow in the trees, and it was actually really fun - just like home. Once we started setting off avalanches in the trees, we moved to a lower elevation, lower angle, burned over area. It was also fun, I wish more pictures had been taken.

The snow level ended up rising to about 1700m.

I overheard someone in one of the groups (from Calgary) say that was the heaviest snow they had ever skied in their life. Wha!?

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